Fortunately future Friday meetings will also now be held in room 9C18(ie building 9 level c room 18).
The meeting got off to a slightly late start. Peter gavve the Mission Statement from memory. It would be a good idea to put the Mission Statement back on the agenda to help those Toastmasters who memorised it. Karina quickly rejigged the agenda to allow for speaker one's absence. Ianon gave an inspiration of the day rather than a word of the day - no one can whistle a syphony, it takes a whole orchestra to play one. That is how we run the Toastmasters club.
Keiko gave a very engaging, animated speech on effective evaluation. Nicole did her second speech from the CC manual. The improvement in her speaking since she started with Benjamin was obvious. She gave an interesting, and moving, speech on the differences between Chinese students in China and international students in Australia.
Baran came up with great Table Topics:
Nicole spoke on the difference between the education system in China and Australia.
Karina spoke on how she manages stress.
Ann spoke on whether she believed that if kids watch TV all day they have less vocabulary than if they don't. She argued, contrary to the context behind the question, that TV can in fact improve vocabulary.
Peter spoke on what should be done to reduce the number of homeless in Canberra.
Geoff spoke on what he thought would be a better system of government than our current system.
Dominic gave an open-ended philosophical response to the question of he he wanted people to believe in something, what would it be?
Dominic then gave an excellent appraisal of Keiko's speech. Ann gave an excellent appraisal of Nicole's speech, focusing on the educational content and presentation style.
When giving the questions Baran also gave some context as a preamble to the question.
Peter gave a generic tabletopics evaluation, addressing eye content for all speakers, then moving around, body language and finally the speech structure.
Next meeting will Friday 13 June at 12:30, room 9c18.