Thursday, 26 February 2015

New Guests Attend Spooky Meeting on Friday 13th February (meeting 1039)

What a big week it has been for the club. On Wednesday (11/2) we had a stall at the University’s market day where we promoted our club to the broader university community. We talked to lots of interested people about what Toastmasters is, and what it can do for them. Thanks to Karina for organising the day, and to all of the members who helped out in the lead up to the day, and on the day itself.

At the meeting on Friday Lili presented her third CC speech titled ‘Where life is easier’, comparing living in China to living in Australia. It was a very informative and entertaining speech. Ianon gave us the word of the day, conscience, after the commonly misused words article in the January edition of the Toastmasters magazine compared conscience with conscious. We had a Friday the 13th themed table topics session led by Linda, where our six guests had a go at answering questions on hosting a Friday 13th party and movie night, and other dates considered spooky, including Tuesday the 13th, and Friday the 17th.

Our next meeting will be on Friday 27th February. We hope to see you there!

Sunday, 8 February 2015

How to Survive a New Year (meeting 1038)

Welcome to a New Year! Our first meeting of the year was held on 30th January.  This was a meeting in which Peter spoke of comfort and Dominic spoke of disaster.  A meeting in which we all had the opportunity to speak in an extended Table Topics.  We welcomed the new VPPE, Peter Herbert and tried out our new web based agenda sign-up system ( for members.

The Word of the Day was “comfortable” and how Dominic managed to use that word in his key speech entitled “How to Survive a Disaster”, I’ll never know.  Dominic presented yet another smooth and stylish speech so that we could all know what to do to survive a disaster.  He structured the speech very well giving a background, a specific example and some very sound advice.  Prepare!

Ianon introduced a wide range of Table Topics including New Year’s resolutions, plans for the future, reflection on the past and preparing for and surviving disasters.  Table Topics speakers were Lili, Karina, Nick, Dom, Linda, Peter and Geoff.  It was very enjoyable listening to Nick quickly developing speaking style and particularly enjoyable hearing Lili’s good news.

Our next meeting is on Friday the 13th.  Maybe some spooky theme may pop up, who knows.  Members, don’t forget to sign up on the Agenda page at the website – link above.

This Wednesday we will also be at the O’Week Market Day, so if you are not already a member and want to have a go, please come and talk to us.