At this meeting we were treated to a speech by Toastmaster
of the Year, Peter Herbert. He spoke of
his passion as a Power Systems Engineer – the history of electricity in
Canberra. His passion is a treat to the
audience, although a little surprise as we did not know the topic before he
started, and neither did Linda who introduced him! Well done, Linda for thinking on your feet
and for an honest and constructive evaluation at the end. We all learn from a good evaluation of an
experienced speaker.
Table Topics by Geoff were wide and varied. Linda told us that Canberra needs more
fireworks, not less (how can there be too many?). Ianon told us what community gardens are good
for and Peter told us that safety is one good reason to be late. “Better late
than dead on time!” Dom told us that
Australia is not the ‘lucky country’ anymore as we have made many mistakes.
The next meeting is 17th July, but we will NOT be
holding our Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest at this meeting, but we
may well set the date. See you all