Monday, 21 October 2013

Synopsis of the Benjamin Toastmasters meeting held Friday 11 October, 2013. The meeting got off to a late start due to late arrivals of members. As the agenda was particularly tight this week this meant the excellant Toastmaster, Geoff, had to run the meeting extremely tightly. Sarina was busy, firstly introducing word of the day 'slugabed", then doing the icebreaker, and also doing the um/ah count. Slugabed is a real word, at least according to the google search. Many speakers did get to use it, albeit pronouncing it "slugabug". The icebreaker was very well presented, and we certainly got to know more of Sarina. Ann was the first speaker up, doing a press conference project from the advanced communication manual.The topic was soil carbon management, but from a soil condition, rather than climate change perspective. The talk elicited some interesting questions, which needed to be guillotined to allow the meeting to finish on time. Following Serina's icebreaer SAndy ran an interesting Table Topics. Unfortunaltey not all members could participated due to the time constraint. Topics were: Views on zoos; One good reason for being late; Why is it good to be a slugabed; and Why Sunday os the best day.The evaluators gave good, useful feedback, with the general evaluator, oor (prospective?) mentor Linda reminding evaluators to have regard to speech objectives when evaluating speeches. Dont forget the Humorous Speech Competition this coming Saturday. Geoff;)

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