Monday, 30 June 2014

Really, possibly the final post from me - new VPPR takes over from tomorrow

Hi all all, our new VPPR takes over from tomorrow.  I have handed over the keys, so expect some some changes from hereonin.


The committee had its hand over today, where past committee position holders handed over to new committee position holders.  It seemed to run fairly smoothly to me, with a clear handover from officer to officer - much better than I have seen at other times.

Anyway, back to the main point of this post - last week's meeting.

Dom was SAA and Toastmaster, and did an admirable job.  Agenda check was pretty smooth.  I think Ianon stepped in to provide word of the day (leadership), which Peter managed to use many times in the meeting.

Anne did an advanced communicating on TV talk.  Geoff did his second last CC manual talk, and is thinking of ways to bring his learnings from that talk into his final CC manual talk.

Nicole came up with a great set of table topics:
 - asking Keiko, have you ever been to Melbourne, and if so, what did you think of it?  Keiko gave a great response based on her brief stop at the airport!
  - Linda responded to the question of if you could, would you go back to a happy or sad moment in your past and change it.
  - Peter described the sort of product he would like to buy in a market.
  - Dom gave a humorous assessment as to whether driving is dangerous.  Obviously it is the slow drivers who are the problem.
  -  Fortunately Iannon, rather than I, had to answer the last topic - What book has influenced you most, and why.  Her answer gave a lot of insight into Ianon, as well as a moving insight to her broader background.

Time I went to bed, so I'll skip the rest of the meeting.   signing out ....  :)

Monday, 23 June 2014

Final post for 2013/14

Actaually, the penultimate post.  What I woud really like to know is if these posts help!  Coud readers please, this time, post to indicate if they have read, so we know if it is worth contining the fortnightly blog!

Anyway, last weeks session went quite well.  We had two ice breakers - Baran and Lili - presented in different, engaging ways. Both talks were very interesting, and gave us insights to the speakers histories, motives in life and personalities. 

Anne gave a great a series of TableTopics questions.  She gave each speaker a different question, and asked how they would respond, and act to the situation.  This was a great set of questions.  I even enjoyed the question I received.

outgoing DPPR