Monday, 23 June 2014

Final post for 2013/14

Actaually, the penultimate post.  What I woud really like to know is if these posts help!  Coud readers please, this time, post to indicate if they have read, so we know if it is worth contining the fortnightly blog!

Anyway, last weeks session went quite well.  We had two ice breakers - Baran and Lili - presented in different, engaging ways. Both talks were very interesting, and gave us insights to the speakers histories, motives in life and personalities. 

Anne gave a great a series of TableTopics questions.  She gave each speaker a different question, and asked how they would respond, and act to the situation.  This was a great set of questions.  I even enjoyed the question I received.

outgoing DPPR

1 comment:

  1. Hi Geoff. I read them! As I have said before I really enjoy them.
    You are right, though, I can tell you had had a couple before writing it. "Actaually" I "woud" have done one myself if I "coud" :-)
    And from about now, I WILL be writing the blogs.

    I should mention though, that Lili presented her Project 2 - Organise Your Speech and it was great to see how quickly she is improving! Perhaps I should do my Project 2 soon.
